Chapter 2 Studyguide

The metric system of measurement is based on the number

a. 1.
b. 10.
c. 12.
d. 100.


The basic unit of length in the metric system is the

a. foot.
b. meter.
c. mile.
d. kilometer.


How many meters are there in a kilometer?

a. 10
b. 100
c. 1,000
d. 10,000


The kilogram is the basic metric unit of

a. length.
b. mass.
c. weight.
d. volume.


Mass and weight are different because

a. mass depends on the force of gravity.
b. weight depends on the force of gravity.
c. weight depends on the amount of matter an object contains.
d. mass does not depend on the amount of matter an object contains.


The amount of space an object takes up is its

a. volume.
b. density.
c. mass.
d. length.


If a shoe box measures 6 cm high, 7 cm wide, and 20 cm long, what is its volume?

a. 420 cm
b. 420 cm3
c. 840 cm3
d. 840 cm


The SI unit of time is the

a. second.
b. minute.
c. hour.
d. day.


The SI unit of temperature is the

a. metric degree.
b. degree Fahrenheit.
c. degree Celsius.
d. kelvin.


You measure the length of a string three times and get values of 34.0 cm, 34.1 cm, and 34.2 cm. The actual length is 39.0 cm. What can you say about your measurements?

a. They are accurate but not precise.
b. They are precise but not accurate.
c. They are both accurate and precise.
d. They are neither accurate nor precise.


The significant figures in a measurement include

a. only the digits that have been measured exactly.
b. the digits that have been measured exactly, plus one digit whose value has been estimated.
c. only the digit whose value has been estimated.
d. only the last digit in a measurement.


What does a line of best fit emphasize?

a. the individual data points
b. the overall trend of the data
c. data points that fall along a line
d. the slope of a line


What does it most likely mean if a graph shows no identifiable trends?

a. There are more than two variables.
b. The graph has no use or value.
c. There is no relationship between the variables.
d. There is a strong relationship between the variables.


The most important lab safety rule is

a. always wear a lab apron.
b. always wear safety goggles.
c. design and conduct your own experiments without asking your teacher.
d. always follow your teacher’s instructions and textbook directions exactly.


What are some reasonable safety precautions for field investigations?

a. None; there are no hazards in the field.
b. Always wear goggles and aprons.
c. Be prepared and use common sense.
d. Always go into the field alone.


What is the first thing you should do if an accident occurs?

a. Find the emergency equipment.
b. Notify your teacher.
c. Go to the nearest hospital.
d. Start first aid treatment.


True False

SI is a version of the metric system. _________________________

To measure objects smaller than a meter but still visible to the unaided eye, scientists would use the centimeter or kilometer. _________________________

A(n) millisecond is one-thousandth of a second. _________________________

A scientist would most likely use the Kelvin scale to measure daily temperature. _________________________

Safety symbols alert you to possible dangers and identify safety equipment you should use. _________________________

When you do field work, you should never tell an adult where you will be. _________________________

If an accident occurs, you should immediately notify the fire department. _________________________


Each unit in the SI system is ____________________ times larger than the next smallest unit.

A common tool used to measure length is the ____________________.

A balance is used to measure ____________________.

The curve on the surface of water in a graduated cylinder is called a(n) ____________________.

A clock is used to measure ____________________.

Temperature is measured using a(n) ___________________.

Whenever you perform a lab, your chief concern must be ____________________.

Just as in the lab, safety is also important when doing activities in the ____________________.

You should make sure you know the ____________________ and use of safety equipment in the lab.

The kelvin is the official SI unit for ____________________.

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